I know the brunwalds are famous art collectors 我知道布伦瓦尔德家族是出了名的收藏家
A benevolent art collector has donated over 100 masterpieces to the louvre 一位善心的艺术收藏家捐赠超过一百件巨作给罗浮宫。
Us millionaire and art collector , beatty came to live in ireland in 1949 一位美国百万富翁和艺术收藏家, 1949年来到爱尔兰居住。
He offers restoration services to art collectors , museums , galleries , and other people and institutions 他为艺术收藏家,博物馆,画廊,或其他单位提供艺术修复。
The widowed elder man looked on with satisfaction as his only child became an experienced art collector 这位丧偶的老人眼看着自己的独子逐渐长成一位富有经验的艺术品收藏家,感到无比欣慰。
Mr low s interest in chinese painting and calligraphy was first inspired by his father , who was himself an avid art collector 刘先生的父亲是一位书画鉴藏家,这启发了刘先生对鉴藏的兴趣。
An art collector asked christie ' s and rival sotheby ' s to play the game to decide who can sell his impressionist paintings 一名收藏家要求佳士得和对手苏富比公司猜拳,以决定谁能拍卖他收藏的印象派画作。
The day soon arrived and art collectors from around the world gathered to bid on some of the world ' s most spectacular paintings 圣诞节很快就到了,全世界的艺术品收藏家都赶来竞买那些世界上最壮观的画作。
Back in 1950 , betsey whitney , an art collector , spent $ 30 , 000 to buy a painting by pablo picasso ? a huge amount of money to spend on the work of a living artist 1950年,艺术收藏家贝特西?惠特妮花3万美金买下帕勃罗?毕加索的一幅画,对于仍然健在的艺术家的创作作品,这算是相当可观的一笔花费了。